Anti-Bullying Policy

This policy applies to employees, students, parents, caregivers and volunteers on the ASHSS site or the same when attending ASHSS related events off-site such as camps and excursions.

Behaviour Management and Discipline Policy

To provide guidance for staff, students and parents on ASHSS (the school’s) approach to behaviour management and relationships, ensure disciplinary procedures based on principles of procedural fairness and to deal with disciplinary matters quickly and effectively to ensure that a positive and productive learning environment is maintained for all students.

Child Protection Policy

At Aurora Southern Highlands Steiner School we are committed to the implementation of the Child Safe Standards and providing a learning environment where children are safe from harm. All staff employed by the school, including employees, contractors and volunteers, must abide by this policy and procedure. 

Code of Conduct Parents, Guardians, School Community

This Policy and Code of Conduct for Parents, Guardians and School Community is developed on reasonable community expectations of behaviour encompassing mutual tolerance, respect and personal safety of all with the goal of making the Aurora Southern Highlands Steiner School (ASHSS or the School) a safe and pleasant environment for all our community.

Complaints and Grievances Resolution Policy and Procedures

This Policy and Procedure applies to all enrolled students and covers all student/parent and staff grievances including discrimination and harassment.

Student Attendance Policy

This document outlines the policy and procedure to be followed with regards to student attendance. Aurora Southern Highlands Steiner School (ASHSS or the School) aims to promote optimal attendance.

Student Code of Conduct

To provide guidance to students and parents on ASHSS (the School’s) approach to acceptable behaviour to ensure that a positive and productive learning environment is maintained for all students.

Student Wellbeing, Pastoral Care, Leadership Policy

This policy outlines the Aurora Southern Highlands Steiner School’s (ASHSS or the School) commitment to care for the academic, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of students.

Communications Policy and Procedure

The purpose of the Communications Policy is to facilitate the smooth functioning of the School and to assist students, staff and parents to work successfully together. The guidelines complement the regular, informal communications that already take place between members of the school community. 

Privacy Policy

This policy outlines how ASHSS uses and manages personal information provided to or collected by it. The School may from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology, changes to the Schools’ operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing school environment.

Enrolment Policy

The purpose of the enrolment policy is to ensure the enrolment process is consistent, fair, thorough and explicit for all applicants.