Are you looking for the right school for your family? To learn more about whether this is the right fit for your family, you’re welcome to call us for a chat, come along to one of our events, or arrange a time for a personal tour. A school tour offers a great opportunity to get a feel for the environment of the school, see the children’s work, and chat with students and teachers.
How the enrolment process works
Families are invited to submit an Application for Enrolment. The application will be processed and you will be contacted to discuss the next steps which may include a tour, if you have not already had one and possibly an experience day if needed. You will then be invited to a formal enrolment interview for you and your child with their prospective teacher. If we are able to offer a place, we then contact you with the official enrolment documents and make arrangements for your child’s orientation.
Our Fees
Fees are billed at the beginning of each term. A discount is applied if paid in full at the start of the year. Sibling discounts, bursaries and scholarships are available – please contact us for more information on these.
Frequently asked questions
What year groups do you cater for?
In 2024 we are offering Pre-Kindergarten through to Year 12. We are very excited to have our first graduating group this year.
Do you have places available?
2024 sees us continuing single stream classes for the Primary school and we still have places available in most grades.
How big is the school?
We now have just over 160 students from Pre-Kindergarten through to Year 12. Most of our classes have 12-24 students.
Do you have composite or same year classes?
In 2022 we moved to have stand-alone classes for the Years 1 – 6. We also have two mixed-age early childhood classes, with each including both Kindy and Pre-Kindy students. The secondary school classes will remain as composites for a little longer.
Do your children have inter school activities?
Yes. We often connect with other Steiner schools from upper primary onwards, generally several times a year for camps, sporting events, and other shared activities such as incursion days.
What about accelerated learning for gifted children?
Our teachers are experts in differentiated learning and we support children to grow in their areas of strength. We differ from mainstream schools in our approach by emphasising well-rounded development and working with special capacities of childhood, rather than hurrying children towards ever higher levels of achievement in some areas at the expense of others.