A child’s early years are crucial in building foundations for a healthy life, a strong body and a bright mind. At Aurora Steiner, we surround our youngest children with an atmosphere of harmony and goodness, love and warmth. Creative play is a vital element for children so that, under the teacher’s care, they can develop their own inner space by imitating adult life and creating an imaginative world of their own.
Social awareness develops through interactive, imaginative play between children. A strong sense of rhythm runs through the week, incorporating the regular activities of painting, drawing, modelling, baking, crafts, Eurythmy movement, singing, walks, gardening and ring-games. These rhythms provide boundaries and a sense of safety that a young child needs to be fully immersed into his play and learning.
Through all these activities our aim is for the children to develop imaginative qualities and respect for others that will guide and nourish them throughout their lives and provide a strong foundation for their personal, social and intellectual development.
To encourage a sense of wonder there are objects of natural beauty: seashells, stones, pinecones, sheep’s wool, wooden toys and handmade dolls. These are playthings which give space for the child’s developing imagination to transform anew each day.
Through creative play and diverse activities in the early years, the children learn skills that will later enable them to be practical, and to take initiative and responsibility. These years are where the foundations for learning and life are laid.
Aurora Steiner’s Early Childhood Program
Aurora Steiner’s Early Childhood program encompasses two playgroups, plus Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs.
Children generally enter Pre-Kindergarten in the year they turn 5; and Kindergarten in the year they turn 6. Pre-Kindy and Kindy students are combined into mixed-age classes across our two early childhood rooms, helping to create a warm and familial atmosphere.
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten 2024 Enrolling now.
Book a Kindy tour and learn all about our Early Childhood Program.