Term 1 Wednesday 31 January to Wednesday 10 AprilTerm 2 Wednesday 1 May to Wednesday 3 JulyTerm 3 Wednesday 31 July to Wednesday 25 SeptemberTerm 4 Wednesday 16 October to Wednesday 11 December
What’s in a logo
People see different things when they look at our Aurora Steiner logo, and that’s a beautiful thing! Do you see a blossom, a mandala, or something else? Look closely, and you might glimpse a circle of eight little people with hands joined and arms lifted up to the heavens. These were first drawn to represent the eight founding students of the school – those children who joined us on the first day we opened our doors back early in 2013. Today indeed they
Nature Walks in Early Childhood
The children have settled in so well, the rhythm is flowing, and every second of our time spent together is a blessing. I am forever grateful to the parents to have given me the privilege to be part of their precious little ones’ first steps in life. Little by little, these steps are getting more steady, more controlled and more appreciative. Part of this appreciation is our nature walk. We are walking every day, if we can, for 30 minutes… and it is